Page 11 - 제2회 광주건축대전 수상작 일반 공모전
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60. 61.
제 2회 광주건축대전
일반공모부문 |특선 일반공모부문 |특선
공간의 만남 그리고 연결 Proposal for communication of city through enhancement of porosity
김기용 김태인
광장 앞 시장공간의 만남 그리고 연결
건물의 배치와 1층의 접근성을 이용하여 사람들을 끌어들이고 싶다. 프로그
램을 정하기보다 동선 및 내외부의 관계 이해를 통한 공간을 만들고 싶다. 사
실, 공간을 정해서 만들어주는 것은 픽션이라고 나는 생각한다. 사이트 분석
과 주변 관계의 이해를 통해 나는 카페와 같은 역할을 하는 공간을 만들었다.
코어 배치를 통해 동선을 확장하고 타 층과의 연계를 고려했다. Proposal for communication of city
through enhancement of porosity
Multi program
Prevent space breaks with multiple programs rather t
프로그램적으로 수영장을 넣었다. 이는 사이트의 특성, 유저의 활동량, 활성 han a single program.
시간대, 나이 등을 고려하여 만들어졌다. 만들고자 하는 공간을 나타내는 것
중 하나라고 볼 수 있다. 커뮤니티를 방문했다가 연결되어있는 수영장을 보
고 흥미로움을 느낄 것이다. 연결되어있는 시설에 노출되는 것과 스포츠를
즐기는 것은 매우 흥미로운 일이다. 이 프로그램은 내가 만들고자 하는 공간
과 닮아있고 3층과도 연결되어 있다.
Extrude program
Through the volume of the program, the space is for
med and connected through the holes.
각 층은 연결되고 위계를 가지고 있으며 특별한 경험을 가지고 온다. 코어 위
치 기준으로 동선을 계획하여 공간을 구성했다. 각 프로그램들이 위계들을
가지고 잘 어울러지길 바란다. 트러스 구조를 통해 구조적 문제를 일부 해결
Stack program
하고 공간과 경험에 있어 디자인적 요소를 충족시키고자 했다. 3층은 특히 2
, 4층과 연결되어 있으며 이것은 전형적이지 않다. 우리는 공간디자인에 대해 By stacking prominent programs, you can check an
d adjust the volume of the space and create a compl
가지고 있는 현재 관념들을 생각해볼 필요가 있다. ex spatial composition.
SITE ISSUE 이순신광장과 선어시장의 단절
대지 : 여수시 중앙동 일반 385 일대 (선어시장) Floor plan
대지 면적 : 5,012㎡ The created volume expresses my intentions and cr
용도지구 : 일반 상업지역 eates a new space.
건폐율 : ~80% 시장과 광장 모두 사람이 모이는 곳으로 각각의 다양한 활동이 일어난다.
용적률 : 300%~1300%
그러나 두 공간이 연결성이 결여되어 있어 서로 상호작용 하지 못하고 있다. PROLOGUE CONCEPT PROGRAM PROGRAM-2
공공의 이익을 위한 광장과 개인의 이익을 거래하는 시장이 서로 마주하고 있다. 기존 주민자치센터에서 보여지는 공간의 단일화와 단절에서 벗어나 다공과 프로그램을 활용하여 복
그러나 두 공간 사이에 관련된 프로그램이 존재하지 않고, 연결성을 갖지 않아 서로가 서로에게 왜 연결되어야 하는가? 합적 주민자치센터로 변화하고자 한다. The listed programs are not written as single, but move. Movement moves through the user's
이질적인 모습으로 보인다. 광장과 시장 안에서 연결된 하나의 주제를 느낄 수 있도록 하여 광장은 의도적으로 만든 넓은 빈터이며 많은 사람들이 모여 정서를 나누는 gaze. You can share space through sharing your gaze. The space was divided through the posi
마주하는 두 공간의 연결성을 갖게 하고자 한다. 곳이다. 주변 건물과 상호작용하지 않는 광장은 사전적 의미에 머무를 뿐이다. tion of the core and an eecient copper line was obtained. Space is not created by forcing us t
o program. I think we should see the building from the viewpoint of space design.
According to the survey, there are many events along the roads around the site. However, the
site does not take advantage of these advantages. Moreover, the ongoing project is a commu
CONCEPT Sequence PROGRAM Retail nity center with the typical appearance of a uniied program. It is funny that we set the space.
We do not make a place to live in the characters in the game. It makes possible the use of spa
광장과 시장에서 각자 ce. Because people move through the heart of people, they are not artiicial, but they are nat
다양한 활동 (Shot)들이 일어난다. urally designed to feel and use space. SPACE
We need to understand the nature of man and the space in which man dwells. You can obser
이러한 활동은 하나의 장면 (Scene)에 Seo-myeon is Busan's largest city center with Busan Metropolitan City, ve the movement of people by looking around closely. Where do we move? We need to think
Bujeon-dong Busanjin-gu, Jeonpo-dong, and various commercial
담겨진다. facilities, nancial institutions, medical institutions and educational institutions. about space again. Space is not just a small room. It is like a web linked to many things. I wan
However, the amount of public facilities compared with ted to express the space that people experience through the diagram. We get a lot of informa
the present residential area is small. tion in a simple way, but these are the mechanisms we actually get same. We should pay atte
장면이라는 것은 동일한 시간이나 공간에서 ntion to this fact. We have the order of getting information.
이루어지는 사건이라는 물리적인 제한이 있다.
It is like a web linked to many things. I wanted to express the space that people experience through In addition, omission of pillars and girders is connected to simpli cation of the manufacturing pr
Past Modern Present Future place escaping from a boring building and experiencing a new sensory experience
장면들을 연결하여 하나의 Sequence가 장면들을 연결하여 하나의 Sequence가 is now important. I thought I should make it. vision is constrained by realistic obsta the diagram. We get a lot of information in a simple way, but these are the mechanisms we actually ocess, so that manufacturing cost can be reduced.
만들어지고, 물리적 제약 없이 하나의 Museum 과거의 유물이나 문화를 보존 전시하여 현재까지 연결하고 미래를 상상 cl es. so we need to nd superposed value. get same. We should pay attention to this fact. We have the order of getting information.
흐름을 가질 때 비로소 장소가 된다. 2019
과거 여수의 상징성을 가진 이순신 광장과 여수 근대적 유산인 수산업의 모습을 볼 수
있는 선어시장, 그리고 현재 이 곳을 이용하는 사람들이 만드는 하나의 전시주제 ISSUE MASS PROCESS SKETCH SKETCH-2
건물의 밀도를 줄이는 것이 과연 긍정적인 영향을 미칠까? 도시는 심장이다. 밀도의 힘을 통해 수축하
고 이완되며 길을 따라 도시 전체를 순환시킨다. 지금 주민자치센터는 어떤 모습이어야 할까? 이러한
질문과 고민은 항상 이루어져야 한다. 세상은 스스로 변하지않는다. 누군가의 생각과 표현에서 비롯
되고 만들어지는 것이다. 기존의 단절된 공간에서 이제는 변화해야할 때이다. 도시에 대한 개념과 이
해는 미래 건축 방향성의 비전을 제시한다. 급속하게 변화하는 시대에서 모든 것이 흐름에 따라 빠르
게 변화하고 있다. 우리가 느끼듯이. 이제 주민자치센터는 어떤 모습이어야 할까? MASS MAKING ARTICULATION SPATIAL SEPERATION
Plaza Bring movement from Expect to activate the program Expansion of relationship be
the landscape via landscape activation tween inner and outer space
IMAGE Circulation Located at 702, 43, Chungdong-ro, Busanjin-gu, EVENT
광장에서 넓은 볼륨의 홀 & 경매장으로 유입 워터튜브로 동선의 연결 워터튜브의 흐름을 따라 자연스러운 전시관의 동선 연결 Busan, and adjacent to 4M and 10M roads
It is a commercial area, and there are many
oating population and users.
If you look at the diagram, you can see that there are many events along the road around The extruded shape of the aluminum alloy having the truss-shaped cross section was welded b In short, the location of this site is hot. It has the most 'youthful streets' with the most mobi
MASTER PLAN the site. There is a street corner, a department store, and various commercial facilities. Th y the structure that the shell plate and the frame which were necessary for constructing the bo le population. There are many events that stimulate people's senses and stimulate their im
agination. Currently, there is a shortage of public utilities in the written area compared to r
ese places have many oating population and are fast. What we have to say is that we mu dy of the railway car were integrated together. It is produced in line with each other. It is advant esidential areas. We plan citizen self-government center by necessity. I think this building, w
st bring this great advantage into the Community Center. If you look inside the site, it actu ageous that the rigidity is strong and the bending of the body is small. Since the required streng
hich will be built and used in the future, should not take the form of a typical resident auton
ally helps to solve the unsatisfactory needs of people. People smoke on this site as promis th can be maintained only by the outer wall portion, It is unnecessary to use aggregate which a omy center. It should be fun. It is one of the 2 urban centers of Busan Metropolitan City, It is
ed. This fact is not just a phenomenon. I could see graati and smokers drawn on the outs cts as a pole or a girder, so that the interior space can be widened due to the absence of project responsible for administrative, business, nancial and commercial functions. Various publi
responsible for administrative, business, nancial and commercial functions. Various publi
ide wall of the building, I did not see it as a mere act. It is not a simple scam, but an individ ions. In addition, since the vibration damper can be inserted into the space between the two wa c transportation routes and roads are developed around this area. The nature of these even
ions. In addition, since the vibration damper can be inserted into the space between the two wa
ide wall of the building, I did not see it as a mere act. It is not a simple scam, but an individ
ual or a social group I think it is related to the unsatisfactory dissolution of the desire to ex lls and the wall, the room noise can be greatly reduced. In addition, omission of pillars and girde ts is worth exploring for the current project. People move with each purpose. Most people vi
sit to use these events. What we want to create here is to induce the free movement of peopl
press. This is like a resistance to an existing commercial building. Apart from the TYPICAL rs is connected to simpli cation of the manufacturing process, so that manufacturing cost can b e using human nature.
element of the existing building, I think that more value is important. e reduced.
주차장 출구
주요 출입구
주차장 입구
Through the curtain wall, we were able to express porosity and e The location of this site is currently in the center of a co First of all, it is the largest road that is adjacent to the s Porosity, balcony, terrace, rooftop garden, etc., which are related to porosity in a building', refer torosity, balcony, terrace, rooftop garden, etc., which are related to porosity in a building', refer t
xpress the intended space. Through the truss structure, the weig
주요 출입구 mmercial area of commerce, and in summary, the loca ite. There are a lot of oating population and a lot of ev o o the exterior covered with a roof. Buildings have boundaries between inside and outside, or betw the exterior covered with a roof. Buildings have boundaries between inside and outside, or betw Porosity, balcony, terrace, rooftop garden, etc., which are related to porosity in a building', refer torosity, balcony, terrace, rooftop garden, etc., which are related to porosity in a building', refer t
ht is held and the space is divided. Through the hole in the oor, tion of this site is hot.There are many events that stim ents beyond a simple way. Competitive franchises com e een private and public areas, depending on their location. Therefore, the buildings with rich porosen private and public areas, depending on their location. Therefore, the buildings with rich poros o o the exterior covered with a roof. Buildings have boundaries between inside and outside, or betw the exterior covered with a roof. Buildings have boundaries between inside and outside, or betw
it communicated and connected and made space. Above all, the ulate people's senses and stimulate their imagination. pete with each other and provide high quality service. ity are less aiected by mining and ventilation, copper lines, And so on. This is a city that needs conty are less aiected by mining and ventilation, copper lines, And so on. This is a city that needs con e een private and public areas, depending on their location. Therefore, the buildings with rich porosen private and public areas, depending on their location. Therefore, the buildings with rich poros
주차장 출구 curtain wall ts the expression of the space of communication I i The site is facing the streets of youth. it means we can Events that move according to the time zone are diiere siderable density It contributes to making it comfortable and easy.iderable density It contributes to making it comfortable and easy.
ity are less aiected by mining and ventilation, copper lines, And so on. This is a city that needs conty are less aiected by mining and ventilation, copper lines, And so on. This is a city that needs con
ntended. take advantages of the site. You need to see what even nt and people consume various contents through street s siderable density It contributes to making it comfortable and easy.iderable density It contributes to making it comfortable and easy.
culture such as bus king.
ts are located around the site. culture such as bus king.
ts are located
I could see graati and smokers drawn on the outside wall of the building, I
did not see it as a mere act. It is not a simple scam, but an individual or a so
cial group I think it is related to the unsatisfactory dissolution of the desire
to express. This is like a resistance to an existing commercial building. Apar
t from the TYPICAL element of the existing building, I think that more value 2 FLOOR 3 FLOOR 4 FLOOR 5 FLOOR
SECTION PERSPECTIVE is important. The problem is this stuck idea. Pros and cons are in any work.
Even if we take disadvantages, we have to nd value that surpasses it.
Even if we take disadvantages, we have to nd value that surpasses it.
Will reducing the density of buildings really have a positive impact? The city In short, the location of this site is hot. It has the most 'youthful s Sambo Game Land is a mecca for commercial events a F From the NC department store to the 'norimaru' on throm the NC department store to the 'norimaru' on th FLOOR PLAN I wanted to create a relationship between oors and wanted to maximize the dens
is the heart. Shrink and relax through the forces of density and along the wa treets' with the most mobile population. There are many events nd can be seen as the center of nearby events. Sambo e road, we regularly run the plee market. These events road, we regularly run the plee market. These events ity of the lower oors. I wanted to make it possible to feel a composite program ev
y Cycle the entire city. Now what should the community center look like? Th that stimulate people's senses and stimulate their imagination. C Game Land is consumed by itself, but it plays a role of a are attractive enough to attract people and encouragere attractive enough to attract people and encourage en if I visited it for any purpose. I wanted to utilize the advantages of the landscape
ese questions and worries should always be done. The world does not chang urrently, there is a shortage of public utilities in the written area c relieving thirst for people like a square. The nature of t v voluntary participation. Especially, there are various eoluntary participation. Especially, there are various e through the layout, and I thought that opening the space itself would be a commu
e itself. It comes from a little thought of someone and is made. It is time to ch ompared to residential areas. We plan citizen self-government ce hese events is worth exploring for the current project. vents including a wide street and a street of cafe cafe. ents including a wide street and a street of cafe cafe. nication and create a new space. Structurally speaking, I did not want to abandon
ange from the existing disconnected space. The concept and understanding nter by necessity. I think this building, which will be built and used People move with each purpose. Most people visit to u These events provide a diierent experience than the hese events provide a diierent experience than the the constraint of expression to convey my intentions. In order to express my intend
ed spatial design, I use a truss structure rather than a column dividing the hierarchy
se these events. What we want to create here is to indu
in the future, should not take the form of a typical resident autono
of the city provide a vision of future architectural direction. In a rapidly hang
m m
main events. Understanding the surrounding events giain events. Understanding the surrounding events gi
of the city provide a vision of future architectural direction. In a rapidly hang in the future, should not take the form of a typical resident autono se these events. What we want to create here is to indu main events. Understanding the surrounding events giain events. Understanding the surrounding events gi ed spatial design, I use a truss structure rather than a column dividing the hierarchy
my center. It should be fun. ce the free movement of people using human nature. v ves a broad understanding of the a broad understanding of the design.
ing world, everything is changing rapidly with the ow. As we feel. Now what of space I wanted to limit the use of space. An entrance was made along the adjace
should the resident autonomy center look like? 1F, NEWS MAGAZINE, CAFE nt roads and curtain walls and pores were used to express my intentions.
USER INFO Seo-myeon is Busan's largest city center with Busan Me In short, the location of this site is hot. It has the most n short, the location of this site is hot. It has the most
tropolitan City's Busan Metropolitan City, Bujeon-dong 'youthful streets' with the most mobile population. Tyouthful streets' with the most mobile population. T 2F, SWIMMING POOL
Bu sanjin-gu, Jeonpo-dong, and various commercial fa here are many events that stimulate people's senses ere are many events that stimulate people's senses
cilities, nancial institutions, medical institutions and e and stimulate their imagination. Currently, there is and stimulate their imagination. Currently, there is a 4F, GALLERY
ducational institutions. It is one of the 2 urban centers o shortage of public utilities in the written area comparhortage of public utilities in the written area compar
SECTION SCALE 1 / 300 f Busan Metropolitan City, It is responsible for administr ed to residential areas. We plan citizen self-governmed to residential areas. We plan citizen self-governme 5F, COMMUNITY CENTER
interaction p o r o
A experience sensory s i t y As a result of local USER survey, there are largely work, ative, business, nancial and commercial functions. Var nt center by necessity. I think this building, which will
nt center by necessity. I think this building, which willt center by necessity. I think this building, which will
ative, business, nancial and commercial functions. Var
ious public transportation routes and roads are develop
be built and used in the future, should not take the fo
A’ space family unit, alone, friendship unit. What does this have t ed around this area. rm of a typical resident autonomy center. It should be
o do with anything?
FL + 24000
FL + 18000
FL + 12000
FL + 6000