
팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.

2024 Gwangju_Asia International Architectural Competition Guideline


Competition Guideline

1. Theme : Human Right + Architecture

Breaking away from the rational functionalism of modern architecture, diversified contemporary architecture is attempting various forms and spaces. However, in many everyday architectures, consideration for the essential human right in space is still pushed to second priority by the logic of economy and efficiency. Insufficient public spaces in uniform architecture and meaningless external spaces in formal urban spaces are alienating ‘people’.

In a realistic situation, buildings are created in accordance with minimum legal standards and led by rapidly developing capital and technology. There is an urgent need to consider creating an architectural environment that allows for comfortable daily life, connection with the community and nature, and pride of its own history and culture for each city.

Regions in Asia have their unique communities and cultures that value ​​humane life and cares for each other. Based on this context, new ‘people-centered’ architectural proposals based on spatial, environmental and cultural considerations – containing an expanded interpretation of ‘human rights’ – will contribute to making our lives richer and happier.

2. Qualification for Participation

 A person who can develop ideas about space and express them architecturally through drawings and diagrams (one work per person)

* Project site is limited to Asia.

3. Overall Schedule



Registration and Submission

Early bird registration and submission*

31st Jul 2024(Wed) ~ 2nd Aug 2024(Fri) 18:00

Main registration and submission

14th Aug 2024(Wed) ~ 16th Aug 2024(Fri) 18:00


1st stage judging

20th Aug 2024(Tue) 14:00

The Federation of Artistic & Cultural Organizaion of Korea(FACO), Gwangju Branch

21th Aug 2024(Tue) 14:00

Results will be announced on the website

2nd stage judging

28th Aug 2024(Wed) 14:00

Asia Culture Center (ACC) Archive & Reserach, B1 Grand Lecture Room

29th Aug 2024(Thu) 14:00

Results will be announced on the website




8th Oct 2024(Tue) ~ 20th Aug 2024(Sun)

ACC Archive & Reserach, B3 Library Park

Award Ceremony

8th Oct 2024(Tue)

ACC Archive & Research, B3 Library Park


28th Oct 2024(Wed)

ACC Archive & Research, B1 Grand Lecture Room

* Architecture Symposium

Junsung Kim(Architect / hANd+Architects)

*Schedule and location may change

*Registration fee (USD 20) is waived when registering in advance (early bird)

4. Registration and Submission


Date and Method


1st stage judging

. Early bird registration :

31st Jul 2024(Wed) ~ 2nd Aug 2024(Fri) 18:00

. Main registration and submission :

14th Aug 2024(Wed) ~ 16th Aug 2024(Fri) 18:00

2nd stage judging

By 28th Aug 2024(Wed) 14:00

* Physical models are accepted on the day of judging

(please bring it to the judging)

* Foreign participants (online participation) are allowed to use

3D models (and/or video files) instead


1. Online Registration

Register on the Gwangju_Asia Architectural Competition website (www.gwangjuproject.kr). After downloading, fill out and submit the registration form

2. Email Registration and Submission


* After registration on the website, submit documents and work files by email.

* After submitting the work, check whether the work receipt has been received by email.

* Work receipts are sent sequentially and are sent by midnight on the last day of


Submission Materials and Specifications

1st judging

Submission Materials

- Panel A0 (portrait), PDF

- Description (use website registration file format), PDF

- Attachment of 1st registration form, PDF

- Receipt and Payment Certificate


- Panel : Expression of content completed through thematic interpretation, urban context analysis, concepts, diagrams, architectural drawings, perspectives, bird's eye views, etc.

* resolution: 200dpi

- Description(PDF) : Summarize the contents of the panel


- About 10 people are selected (Grand prize ~ Selected Work)

2nd judging

(Prize winners)

Submission Materials

- Physical Model: 80x80cm (materials are upto participants)

bring it to the judging

* Since the 2nd stage participants are prize winners, model

production is required, and a small amount of model

production costs will be reimbursed (planned).

- Language in presentation file : English (Korean also available)

(A4 10 sheets, Landscape format, PPT or PDF)


English and/or Korean

Registration Fee

1st stage : USD 40 (Includes file printing and exhibition panel costs)

*Registration fee (USD 20) is waived when registering in advance (early bird)

* Limited to online deposit upon submission of work / Receipt confirmation will

be replaced with work receipt.

Deposit Account

Overseas deposit /



Domestic deposit

Gwangju Bank / 1107-020-250545 / ARCHITECTS GJKIA

* Must wire transfer in the name of the school, participant.
