
팝업레이어 알림

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2024 Gwangju_Asia International Architectural Competition Guideline

Registration and Award Information

5. Judging


Schedule and Details

1st stage


20th Aug 2024(Tue) 14:00

- A0 panel (pdf file) judging

2nd stage


28th Aug 2024(Tue) 14:00

- Oral presentation through PPT (by participant) wit printed panel and physical model

- Foreign participants can present on line. (via zoom)

- Oral presentation should be no longer than 10 min., followed by Q&A 5min.

- Foreign participants can also present 3d animation (mp4) instead of physical model.

* The judging will be broadcast in real tim on YouTube.

Chairperson of the jury and judges

1st stage l Christian Pierre BARDE (CEO, Parafe, France)

Sang Jin Park (vice-president, KIA, South Korea)

Sang Min Park (professor, Yeungnam Univ. South Korea)

Byung Ik Han (president, Incheon Branch of KIA, South Korea)

Soo Mi Kim (professor, Soongsil Univ. South Korea)

2nd stage II Jun Sung Kim (architect, hAND+ Architects, South Korea)

Tibor FATYOL (architect, UIA-ICC member/advisor, Hungary)

Yuko Nagayama (architect, Yuko Nagayama & Associates, Japan)

Yann Hin-Son Hui (professor, KMITL, Thailand)

Sung-Beom Lee(architect, Lee, SungBeom Architects, South Korea)

Chairperson of the jury

Jun sung Kim

(Architect / hANd+Architects)


6. Evaluation Criteria


Evaluation Criteria

1st stage

- Validity of ideas and programs through raising issues

- Validity of program and design strategy

- Validity of proposal

2nd stage

- Oral Presentation

- Validity of ideas and programs

- Creativity and novelty of proposal

- Architectural expression and communicability

- Level of completion (panel, physical model, and presentation)


7. Award

- Award Ceremony : 8th Oct 2024(Tue) / ACC Archive & Reserach, B3 Library Park



Awards Details

Grand Prize

(Award of Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism)


10,000,000 Korean Won

Best Prize

(Mayor’s Award)


3,000,000 Korean Won

Excellence Award


1,000,000 Korean Won

Encouragement Award


500,000 Korean Won

Selected Work


Certificate of Award

 * The withholding amount (tax) is participant’s responsibility.

8. Inquiry regarding registration and submission

  1) registration and submission

    - Please register on the website, wire transfer the registration fee, and submit your work by email.      

      Website : www.gwangjuproject.kr  / Email for work submission : gjkia2017@gmail.com

      * In case of missing work submission, double submission is accepted.

      * After submitting the work, the final submission is complete only when the work receipt is sent to the applicant's email address.

  2) Q & A  

   - Refer to the website announcements and Q&A / Email Inquiry : gjkia2017@gmail.com

     * Inquiry Period : 1st May – 31st Sep

9. Copyright

  1) The copyright of the submitted work belongs to the applicant.

  2) Organizers may exhibit or publish works and may request supplementary materials if necessary.

10. Exhibition and Pulication

  1) The winning and selected works will be exhibited at the 2024 Gwangju Architecture and City

     Culture Festival & Gwangju Architecture Exhibition (National Asia Culture Center, ACC)

  2) The winning and selected works will be published in a catalogue.


11. Etc

- Limited to one submission per person, participation and registration fees are non-refundable

- Works that do not meet submission standards and regulations will be excluded from review.

- Major violations, such as false information in the registration form, violation of competition submission standards, previously awarded works, imitation works, etc., may be canceled through consultation with the review committee even after winning the prize.

- Inquiries will be made through the notice / Q&A corner on the competition website and only within the designated period.

- Inevitable competition schedule changes will be posted on the website, so registered participants must check the website frequently.

- Announcements or updates on the website take precedence over the guideline.

12. Download Application Form
